Hello everyone, Students in Phyiscal Education have been studying diet and healthy eating, so I thought I would introduce them to the Eatwell Plate. This plate is a visual aid to help us understand how much from each food group we should have in our diet. We used an interactive resource from Food Standards Scotland to complete our own Eatwell Plate buy adding each item of food to the relevant section. Students then completed their own Eatwell Plate on the worksheet below: They drew images of the food items we saw during the interactive activity and wrote down the names of fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, fats and dairy products. In the next class we completed a quiz about the Eatwell plate to test their understanding, how many answers do you know? Check out the answers here ! Alice
Hello everyone, After our class on ecosystems, in 1ESO we are now studying how they work on a global scale, and the relationship between our climate and the world's biomes, Check out the presentation, video and worksheet here! Worksheet Watch the video and answer the questions What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the climate in the UK? What is the climate in the Sahara? Which different interactions create a climate system? How does the sun affect our climate? What does the atmosphere do? Why is the greenhouse effect so important? Complete the biome table Climate type Climate characteristics Plants Animals Tundra Cold desert Grassland Mediterranean forest Taiga Deciduous forest Hot desert Savana Rainforest Colour in the biome map - choose a colour for each number, e.g. 1 = blue, 2 = green What world biome do you live ...
Hello everyone, In this Technology class we discussed the differences between parallel and series circuits and how to use Ohms law to answer questions about circuits. This video is a great resource to give students an overview of the theme: Check out the worksheet here: In a parallel circuit , the current flows along more than one path to each of the components. In a series circuit , the current flows along one path through all the components. Ohms law : As the voltage across a resistor is increased, what happens to the resistance of the resistor It decreases It remains constant It increases 2. What is the current in this circuit? 6A 2A 0.5 A 3. What is the resistance of the resistor in this circuit? 20 Ω 1.8Ω 0.05Ω 4. If the resistance in the circuit is halved, what will the current be? 0.3A 0.6A 0.15A 5. The diagram shows part of a circuit. What is the resistance of the resistor shown? 9Ω 4Ω 0.25Ω 6. T...
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