
Showing posts from February, 2021

Biology: Vaccines

 Hello everyone,  In biology, we have been studying how vaccines work, this is, of course, a hot topic at the moment and one students were keen to discuss it. Check out the video, presentation and worksheet I produced for the class below. Write down the key words in English and Spanish English  Spanish  Watch the video and answer the questions  What do pathogens do when they enter our bodies?  How many cells do bacteria have? What are viruses smaller than?  What are viruses responsible for causing?  What are the three main functions of the immune system?   What happens if your body encounters the same pathogen again? Gap fill exercise  antibodies               antigens           booster        immune system      disease  Vaccines contain dead or very weak pathogens. These pathogens do not cause ____________, but they still have ______________ on their surface. When they enter the body, the ____________ produces antibodies to fit the antigens.  Later, if live pathogens of the same t

Technology : Electrical circuits

 Hello everyone,  In technology, we have been revising electrical circuits. Students have covered this topic in Spanish last year, so we are reviewing the material in English.  I prepared this presentation, with questions on the video and a worksheet to complete, check out the class material here.  1. Watch the video and answer the questions:  How does the video define an electric circuit?  What is the symbol for a battery?  What is the symbol for a light bulb? What is the symbol for a switch?  What is the definition of current?  What is another name for potential difference?  What do we measure resistance in?  Which way do electrons flow around a circuit?  2. Fill the gaps in the text  generators      energy            switching devices       conductors    components An electric circuit consists of various _________________: generators, conductors, switching devices and loads.  ___________________ provide electric current and _______________ carry it through the circuit.  ____________

Technology : electrical generation and transmission

 Hello everyone,  In this Technology class we studied electric power generation and transmission, check out the presentation here:  We had a class discussion after the presentation about the pros and cons of various renewable and non renewable energy sources.  We then watched the video below to see if students opinions changed.  Did you learn something new about how electricity is transported to our homes? What do you think the future of our energy sources will be?  Alice

English : Valentine´s day

In English class today we learnt about the legend of St. Valentine. Students completed this worksheet and played a love themed board game to practice their English skills, check out the resources below.  Valentine´s day - 3ESO  The legend of St. Valentine - read the text and answer the questions  The legend goes that a priest named Valentine in third century Rome served under Emperor Claudius II. The Emperor had believed that unmarried young men made better soldiers so outlawed marriage for them. This left many young couples in a dilemma, since they could not be together or  start families. Valentine, therefore, offered a solution to this problem. He married young couples in secret, allowing them to be together. Other legends say that he was arrested for helping Christians escape Roman rule, and during his sentence, he fell in love with a woman presumed to be his jailor’s daughter. He is said to have written her a letter before his execution and signed it, ‘From your Valentine’. What w

English : Using the conditional

 Hello everyone,   Last week in English class we started studing the conditional. I created this presentation to recap the three conditionals we have in English and we worked on using the second form to write letters as agony aunts. Check out the presenation and the task here:  Students came up with some very sound advice to help with the four different problems and started to get to grips with using the conditional sentences. Have you ever written to angony aunt? Are you good at giving advice? Alice

Technology : the effects of electrical current

Hello everyone,  In this technology class we discussed the effects of electrical currents, types of energy and how they are produced.  Watch the video and try to answer the questions! Alice

Physics and Chemistry : The genius of Marie Curie

Hello everyone,  In Physics and Chemistry we have been learning about one of the most important scientists in history; Marie Curie.  We watched this excellent video by TED-Ed about the life and work of Curie. Check it out here:  We then worked together to answer these ten questions, and turn them into phrases to write a description about Curie:  Where did Marie Curie grow up?  Marie Curie grew up in Warsaw, Poland.   Where did she study? She studied at the Floating university and in Paris at the Sorbonne  What degrees did she achieve?  She achieved degrees in Maths and Physics  What element did Curie discover also emitted radiation? Curie discovered Thorium also emitted radiation.  What was the name of the ore that they used in their experiments?  The name of the ore that they used in their experiments was Pitchblende.   What year did the Curies report two new elements?  In 1898 the Curies reported two new elements.  Who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903?  Marie Curie, Pierre Cur

Biology : Respiratory illnesses

 Hello everyone,  This weeks biology topic was the respiratory system and illnesses.  First, we watched this short YouTube video to refresh our memories as to how the respiratory system functions, then I gave students a presentation and a worksheet to complete the table with what causes the illness, the symptoms and treatment.    In our next class we are going to complete an exam to see how much students can remember!   Alice